1.8-163 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-162 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-161 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-160 04/30/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-159 04/10/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-158 04/10/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-157 04/09/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-156 03/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-155 07/08/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-154 07/03/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-153 06/21/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-152 04/17/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-151 03/15/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-150 02/24/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-149 02/21/2023 [chg] signed using new certificate under iTech Professionals (expires February 20th 2026) [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-148 01/09/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-147 11/29/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-146 11/22/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-145 11/22/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-144 11/14/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-143 10/31/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-142 10/19/2022 [chg] Including com.servoy.j2db.plugins.IPlugin file for Servoy 2022.09+. [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-141 10/17/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-140 10/14/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-139 04/28/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-138 04/08/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-137 03/11/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-136 03/04/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-135 10/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-134 10/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-133 10/18/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-132 10/15/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-131 09/24/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-130 09/23/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-129 09/02/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-128 08/27/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-127 08/10/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-126 08/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-125 07/29/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-124 07/21/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-123 07/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-122 06/28/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-121 05/26/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-120 05/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-119 04/12/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-118 04/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-117 04/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-116 02/27/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-115 02/26/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-114 02/24/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-113 02/08/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-112 02/04/2021 [chg] All Products Pack support 1.8-111 01/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-110 01/04/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-109 10/13/2020 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-108 10/01/2020 [chg] updates to core framework 1.8-107 09/21/2020 [chg] updated core framework 1.8-106 09/10/2020 [chg] updated framework 1.8-105 07/13/2020 [chg] updated framework 1.8-104 06/08/2020 [chg] signed using updated certificate 1.8-103 05/20/2020 [chg] Updates to core framework 1.8-102 10/21/2019 [chg] Removed Sun package references for Java 9+ support 1.8-101 02/12/2019 [chg] added support for Servoy 8.4 [chg] Changed logging in the components from direct Log4j to SLF4j. [chg] signed using new certificate under iTech Professionals (expires January 21st 2023) 1.8-100 02/13/2017 [new] added 'component' method to retrieve the full component name and type [new] added 'licensee' method to retrieve the name of the licensee [new] added 'typeLicensed' method to retrieve the license type [new] added 'buildDate' method to retrieve the build date [chg] dropped support for Servoy 5 [chg] implemented Servoy Docs [chg] removed deprecated methods [chg] moved properties to constants [chg] renewed sample solution 1.8-099 11/19/2016 [chg] removed (too) verbose debugging output 1.8-098 06/17/2016 [fix] changed and improved getVersion() method [chg] removed deprecated methods getVersion(), getLicense() etc. from bean methods [chg] getVersion() returns version as a Number now 1.8-097 02/10/2016 [chg] added library to support Servoy 8 [chg] signed using new certificate (expires December 13th 2018) 1.8-093 11/04/2014 [chg] added latest build of JGantt [fix] fixed exception thrown on initialization 1.8-092 09/19/2014 [chg] added latest beta of JGantt fixing coloring bars [fix] fixed exception thrown on setting timeScaleType [fix] fixed table grid not receiving the same color as the chart 1.8-092 07/31/2014 [fix] corrected an issue with setting the grid color in code [new] added nodeMoveMode method - Nodes can be moved as a whole only [new] added nodeMoveModeBars method - Both complete nodes and parts of nodes can be moved [new] added nodeMoveModeBarsHorizontally method - Both complete nodes and parts of nodes can be moved horizontally only 1.8-091 07/19/2014 [chg] when selecting a node or link only the top link is selected 1.8-090 07/15/2014 [fix] corrected a null pointer exception thrown on initilization and setting timescale type 1.8-089 07/14/2014 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.1.0002) [fix] further work for tooltip showing up in unwanted places 1.8-088 07/10/2014 [fix] fix for tooltip showing up in unwanted places 1.8-087 07/01/2014 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0011) 1.8-086 05/15/2014 [chg] added Application Name parameter to Manifest [chg] added Codebase and Permissions parameters to Manifest 1.8-082 08/29/2013 [chg] worked around an issue where tooltips refreshed too often [fix] moving a node vertically is now more responsive 1.8-081 02/19/2013 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0006) IMPORTANT: With version 1.8-080 we made some important changes to callback methods for node and link changes, creation etc. Please check out the updated sample solution. 1.8-080 01/17/2013 [chg] updated sample solution with new callback methods for link and node changes etc. [chg] nodeChanged callback method now returns all the same values as nodeWillChange (included move directions) [chg] linkChanged callback method now returns all the same values as linkWillChange (excluded move directions) [fix] optimized source to make sure that moving a node now retuns the correct values [fix] optimized source to make sure that moving a link now retuns the correct values 1.8-079 12/12/2012 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0005) 1.8-078 10/11/2012 [chg] an empty Nodes DataSet will not throw an exception anymore [chg] an empty Links DataSet will not throw an exception anymore [fix] node changes should now be reflected correct in the callback method [fix] link changes should now be reflected correct in the callback method 1.8-077 09/14/2012 [fix] changing an annotation is now honored [fix] adding an empty annotation (or annotation with nulled dataField) now removes the annotation [fix] bean internals are brought up to date with current Servoy releases 1.8-076 09/05/2012 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0004) 1.8-075 08/14/2012 [fix] corrected issue with wrong arguments in link and node callback methods 1.8-074 07/09/2012 [chg] first argument in callback method for nodes now shows 'NODE' instead of 'LINK' [chg] nodeWillChange is triggered only once [chg] linkWillChange is triggered only once [chg] nodeChanged is triggered only once when moving, first argument in callback method shows type of move [chg] linkChanged is triggered only once when moving, first argument in callback method shows type of move [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0003) 1.8-072 04/24/2012 [chg] signed using new certificate (expires May 13th 2015) [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (3.0.0001) 1.7-071 03/26/2012 [new] adding a runtime license to registerJGantt(...) now also works [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.5.10) 1.7-070 03/15/2012 [chg] addPopupAction now checks for an existing action by name and replaces it when it exists [fix] clearPopupActions works as expected now 1.7-069 03/08/2012 [new] added setInfoWindowLabel(index, label) to the Bean [new] added InfoWindow index properties to the Plug-in [new] added getPopupActions(...) to the bean to find all actions of the Popup [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.5.9) [chg] improved runtime license check and feedback [chg] improved clearPopupActions() [chg] improved removePopupAction(...) 1.7-068 02/24/2012 [fix] setTimeScaleCollapseDisplayMode(...) now works as expected 1.7-067 02/08/2012 [new] added properties to the Plug-in for setTimeScaleCollapseDisplayMode(...) [chg] changed preference key name for JGantt license keys (you have to re-enter the runtime key) 1.7-066 01/26/2012 [new] added client preference panel for support of client/machine based JGantt license keys [new] added method removeAllLinks() to the bean [new] added method removeAllNodes() to the bean [new] implemented setTimeScaleCollapseDisplayMode(displayMode, [factor]) [chg] deprecated all 'task' methods and properties [chg] renamed all old 'task' methods and properties to 'node' methods and properties [chg] improved exception handling when removing nodes and links [chg] included new sample solution [fix] setShowDateline should work as expected again 1.6-065 01/03/2012 [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.5.7) 1.6-064 11/22/2011 [new] added (scriptable) property infoWindowShowGroupInfo(show) to show group info in the info window [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.5.6) 1.6-063 09/13/2011 [fix] added signed libraries again 1.6-062 09/05/2011 [new] added removeTasksById(array of id's) to remove tasks from the bean [new] added removeLinksById(array of id's) to remove links from the bean [new] added selectTasksById(array of id's, [select]) to (de)select tasks in the graph [new] added selectLinksById(array of id's, [select]) to (de)select links in the graph [new] added taskDraggedMethod(method) that will be called on dragging a task [new] added linkDraggedMethod(method) that will be called on dragging a link [new] added expandTaskById(id, [expand]) to expand or collapse a task in the table [new] added expandGroupByTaskId(id, [expand]) to expand or collapse a group in the table [new] added IGAnnotation Object for (advanced) setting of task annotations (see 'project_management' form) [new] added Annotation option to set text format [new] added Annotation option to use more than one text field [new] added Annotation option to set text alignment [new] added Annotation option to set text wordwrap [new] added (scriptable) property infoWindowDateFormat(formatString) to set the date format [new] added (scriptable) property infoWindowDecimalFormat(formatString) to set the decimal format [new] added (scriptable) property infoWindowLabels(titleArray) to change the labels/titles of the fields that show [chg] dropped scriptable property annotation now use annotationField [chg] deprecated scriptable property leftAnnotation now use leftAnnotationField [chg] deprecated scriptable property rightAnnotation now use rightAnnotationField [chg] changed sample solution, added new methods to 'project_management' and 'control_center' forms [chg] nodeWillChangeMethod and nodeChangedMethod will now return correct group information [fix] solved an issue with all number values returning 0 for tasks (introduced with 1.5-061) 1.5-061 08/29/2011 [new] added annotationAlignment (left, center, right) property (also scriptable) [new] added leftAnnotationAlignment (left, center, right) property (also scriptable) [new] added rightAnnotationAlignment (left, center, right) property (also scriptable) [new] added rowHeight (minimum 320/100 mm) property (also scriptable) [chg] replaced setTaskRecord(array) with setTaskRecords(DataSet) [chg] replaced setLinkRecord(array) with setLinkRecords(DataSet) [chg] setTaskChangedMethod now takes an optional boolean returnAllValues argument to force the return of all values [chg] setLinkChangedMethod now takes an optional boolean returnAllValues argument to force the return of all values [fix] fixed issue with setting tableLeafBgColor [fix] fixed sometimes disappearing annotation when setting node progress 1.5-060 08/22/2011 [chg] made several changes for improved compatibiliby with Servoy 6 [chg] prefixed Scheduler objects with 'IG' (replacing 'JS') for JS Documentation in Servoy 6 [fix] corrected issue introduced with build 059 that prevented the Bean from setting data 1.5-059 08/09/2011 [fix] corrected issue with DataSet on Servoy 6 1.5-058 06/24/2011 [chg] a task created event will now return the (old) id when it finds one (support for dragging tasks between Gantt Bean instances) [chg] a link created event will now return the (old) id when it finds one [new] setTaskWillChangeMethod now takes a boolean returnAllValues to force the event to return all known values [new] setLinkWillChangeMethod now takes a boolean returnAllValues to force the event to return all known values 1.5-057 03/15/2011 [new] added (scriptable) timeScalePopupEnabled property 1.5-056 03/11/2011 [new] added drag/drop support from one Gantt chart to another Gantt chart (See 'Control Center' sample tab) [new] added createLink and deleteLink buttons (enabled when 2 links are selected, see 'Project Management' sample tab) [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.4.8) [chg] added 'Control Center' tab to sample solution [chg] nodeWillChange is now triggered earlier (on mouseover) to make that a change can not happen at all if true is returned [fix] corrected issue with setting dateline [fix] corrected issue with enabling/disabling toolbar and buttons [fix] corrected issue with progress not showing correct [fix] grouping by more than one group now works (see 'Control Center' sample tab) 1.6-056 12/29/2010 [new] implemented scheduler (see 'Scheduler' sample tab) [new] added histogramEndYValue property and method to get and set the height (in percentage) of the histogram [chg] included latest JGantt libraries (2.4.7) [chg] included new sample solution with new 'Scheduler' tab [fix] added histogram maximum capacity curve again [fix] corrected issue with null values for annotations 1.5-055 10/13/2010 [chg] deprecated use of foundsets [fix] the histogram works again 1.4-054 10/07/2010 [new] implemented new timescale types [new] implemented new timescale date/time formatting options [new] added method 'setTimescaleRibbonsDateFormats(upperTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats, centerTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats, lowerTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats)' to set the formatting options for all ribbons and variations [new] added method 'getUpperTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats()', 'getCenterTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats()' and 'getLowerTimeScaleRibbonDateFormats()' [chg] added timeScaleType constants [chg] removed properties 'lowerTimescaleDateFormat' and 'upperTimescaleDateFormat' [chg] included latest libraries [chg] JGantt.jar is now signed by Netronic instead of IT2BE 1.3-052 07/14/2010 [chg] changed libraries to support (backward) compatibility between (beta) releases 1.3-050 05/05/2010 [new] implemented (scriptable) property groupUpdateSummaries [new] implemented (scriptable) property upperTimescaleDateFormat [new] implemented (scriptable) property lowerTimescaleDateFormat [new] implemented (scriptable) property timeScaleFont [new] implemented (scriptable) property tableHeaderFont [new] implemented (scriptable) property popupEnabled to disable 'default' calendar popups [new] implemented (scriptable) property tableWidthPercentage (1 = 100%) [new] implemented addPopupSeparator method [new] implemented clearPopupActions method [new] implemented boolean dataEditingEnabled to enable all data editing/creating; [new] implemented boolean editLinksEnabled to enable editing links; [new] implemented boolean editNewLinkEnabled to enable creating new links; [new] implemented boolean editNewTaskEnabled to enable creating new tasks; [new] implemented boolean editTasksEnabled to enable editing tasks; [new] implemented integer taskMoveMode to set task move mode (constants can be found in Plug-in); [new] implemented integer taskResizeMode to set task resize mode (constants can be found in Plug-in); [new] implemented setMousePressedMethod method to report 'LEFTCLICK', 'RIGHTCLICK' and 'DOUBLECLICK' events [new] added 4 new arguments to return to the willChange methods: isStartChange, isEndChange, isHorizontalMove, isVerticalMove [new] added method scrollToTaskWithId(id) to scroll to task (centered to the area) [chg] made several changes to fix security issue with latest Java release [chg] selectionMethods now return 'DESELECTED' or 'SELECTED' [chg] renamed font property and setFont method to ganttFont and setGanttFont [chg] improved reporting of daterange changes (and added it to the sample solution) [fix] corrected issue with all methods that should prevent a node or a link action from being executed [fix] corrected issue where a custom popup action was also triggered on show of the menu [fix] corrected issues appearing after setting timescaleDynamicResolution 1.2-037 01/29/2010 [new] implemented (scriptable) property showUpperTimescale [new] implemented (scriptable) property showLowerTimescale [new] implemented (scriptable) property timescaleDynamicResolution [chg] included latest libraries (v2.4) [chg] improved Framework to work with external (gui and command-line) installer 1.2-035 08/17/2009 [chg] included latest libraries 1.2-034 07/28/2009 [chg] included latest libraries [chg] removed signature from core-common.jar to avoid security issues 1.2-033 03/16/2009 [chg] it is not longer necessary to register a developer license 1.2-032 01/19/2009 [fix] solved issue with autoSaveFoundSet [fix] solved issue with creating new links and nodes [fix] all properties are now editable and display correct (you need > Servoy build 651) 1.2-031 12/23/2008 [chg] made some adjustments to core activation wizard 1.2-030 12/05/2008 [fix] solved property setting and getting issues [new] added scriptable showing of toolbar buttons and their properties [new] added method setScaleFactor(...) [chg] deprecated register(...) and license convenience methods in Beans [chg] moved register(...) method to Gantt Plug-in [chg] moved license convenience methods to Gantt Plug-in [chg] moved registerJGantt(...) method to Gantt Plug-in [chg] registerJGantt(...) now returns boolean value upon successful registration [fix] improved debugger support for callback methods 1.1-029 10/30/2008 [chg] improved license feedback in log file [fix] changed a couple of core functions 1.1-028 10/30/2008 [fix] preference panel 'Components' is now available again 1.1-027 10/21/2008 [fix] corrected issue with jnlp file 1.1-026 09/11/2008 [chg] redesigned for Servoy 4.0 1.2-028 05/22/2008 [new] added method setDynamicTimeSpans(...) to set (non-) working hours per group 1.1-027 05/08/2008 [fix] corrected issues with links refresh (new empty links added) [new] added method setLinkRecord(inputArray) to add a link to the current FoundSet or DataSet [new] added method setTaskRecord(inputArray) to add a node to the current FoundSet or DataSet [new] added (scriptable) property progressColumn to set the column that hold progress information (percentage) [new] added (scriptable) property progressColor to set the color of the progress bar [new] added method setTimeSpan(...) to set (the color of) vertical (non-) working hours 1.1-026 04/14/2008 [new] added (scriptable) property groupRowLayout to set single or multi row grouping [new] added (scriptable) property gridColor to set the grid line colors [new] added method createUserAction(...) to create action as basis for popup menu item or toobar button [new] added method addPopupAction(...) to add an action to the poup menu [new] added method enablePopupAction(...) to enable/disable the popup menu item [new] added method removePopupAction(...) to remove the popup menu item [new] added method addToolbarButton(...) to add a button to the toolbar [new] added method addToolbarToggleButton(...) to add a toggle button to the toolbar [new] added method enableToolbarButton(...) to enable/disable the button on the toolbar [new] added method removeToolbarButton(...) to remove the button from the toolbar 1.0-025 04/02/2008 [fix] corrected exception thrown from the refresh method [fix] corrected data change, delete etc. methods getting triggered when refresh method is called 0.9-b024 02/25/2008 [new] added method 'getVersionLicensed' to find out what version is licensed [chg] included new JGantt libraries 2.3.4 [chg] reduced client download size for resources with overall savings up to 45% 0.8-b023 12/19/2007 [new] added Font property to property bar 0.8-b022 12/19/2007 [new] initial release [new] added method setTable(..) to create table headers and set hierarchy [new] added method setNodes(...) to create the nodes [new] added method setLinks(..) to create links [new] added method initialize(..) to initialize bean after creating settings [new] implemented I18N support for headers and display names