IMPORTANT: Since build 099 Properties have, where it makes sense, been changed into constants. Additionally some have been renamed. 5.0-179 10/04/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-178 10/04/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-177 10/04/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-176 10/04/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-175 10/03/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-174 10/03/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-173 08/05/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-172 07/23/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-171 07/05/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-170 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-169 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-168 05/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-167 04/30/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-166 04/10/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-165 04/10/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-164 04/09/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-163 03/14/2024 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-162 07/08/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-161 07/03/2023 [new] Added createWorkbook() method to IDExcel to create blank workbooks. [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-160 06/21/2023 [chg] Removing deprecation status of the getWorkbook method in IDWorkbook. [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-159 04/17/2023 [chg] Upgraded Aspose Cells version to version 23.4. [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-158 03/15/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-157 02/24/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-156 02/21/2023 [chg] signed using new certificate under iTech Professionals (expires February 20th 2026) [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-155 01/09/2023 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-154 11/29/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-153 11/22/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-152 11/22/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-151 11/14/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-150 10/31/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-149 10/19/2022 [chg] Including com.servoy.j2db.plugins.IPlugin file for Servoy 2022.09+. [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-148 10/17/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-147 10/14/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-146 04/28/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-145 04/08/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-144 03/11/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-143 03/04/2022 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-142 10/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-141 10/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-140 10/18/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-139 10/15/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-138 09/24/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-137 09/23/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-136 09/02/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-135 08/27/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-134 08/10/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-133 08/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-132 07/29/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-131 07/21/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-130 07/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-129 06/28/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-128 05/26/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-127 05/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-126 04/12/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-125 04/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-124 04/09/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-123 02/27/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-122 02/26/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-121 02/24/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-120 02/08/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-119 02/04/2021 [chg] All Products Pack support 5.0-118 01/19/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-117 01/04/2021 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-116 10/13/2020 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-115 10/01/2020 [chg] updates to core framework 5.0-114 09/21/2020 [chg] updated core framework 5.0-113 09/10/2020 [chg] updated framework 5.0-112 07/13/2020 [chg] updated framework 5.0-111 06/08/2020 [chg] signed using updated certificate 5.0-110 05/20/2020 [chg] Updates to core framework 5.0-109 01/15/2020 [chg] Removing deprecation on setCellBorder 5.0-108 10/21/2019 [chg] Removed Sun package references for Java 9+ support 5.0-107 02/12/2019 [new] Upgraded Aspose Cells version to version 19.1. 5.0-106 02/12/2019 [chg] added support for Servoy 8.4 [chg] Changed logging in the components from direct Log4j to SLF4j. [chg] signed using new certificate under iTech Professionals (expires January 21st 2023) 5.0-105 07/27/2018 [fix] IDExcel object's write method would fail in Servoy 8.3. 5.0-104 10/11/2017 [new] included latest Aspose Cells 17.7.0 libraries [new] added additional colors [new] added additional bordertypes [chg] added deprecated IDFormattedDataSet.setCellBorder(row, column, type, lineType, color) again 5.0-103 06/30/2017 [new] included latest Aspose Cells 17.5.0 libraries 5.0-102 05/30/2017 [chg] added tooltip text to FORMAT constants that makes sense :) [new] added new (Aspose driven) FORMAT constants 5.0-101 04/27/2017 [chg] improved the IDExcel.update method and removed the input of Object[][] (use JSDataSet instead) 5.0-101 04/27/2017 [new] included latest Aspose Cells 17.3.0 libraries 5.0-099 02/13/2017 [new] included latest Aspose Cells 16.11.0 libraries [new] added IDCsv.isAlwaysQuoted property [new] added IDCsv.isAlwaysQuotedHeader property [new] added 'component' method to retrieve the full component name and type [new] added 'licensee' method to retrieve the name of the licensee [new] added 'typeLicensed' method to retrieve the license type [new] added 'buildDate' method to retrieve the build date [new] implemented Servoy Docs [chg] dropped support for Servoy 5 [chg] converted properties to constants and renamed them to resemble Aspose (better) [chg] renewed sample solution 5.0-097 11/19/2016 [new] introduction of paid upgrade including (latest) Aspose Cells 8.7.0 [new] The Data v5 Plug-in will overwrite v4 (and vice versa) [fix] changed and improved getVersion() method [chg] removed deprecated methods from core [chg] getVersion() returns version as a Number now 4.7-094 02/10/2016 [chg] added library to support Servoy 8 [chg] signed using new certificate (expires December 13th 2018) 4.7-090 11/04/2014 [new] added IDExcel.maxColumnIndex to maximize the number of columns read [new] added IDExcel.maxRowIndex to maximize the number of rows read 4.7-089 06/12/2014 [chg] added Codebase and Permissions parameters to Manifest 4.7-084 09/27/2013 [new] added IDExcel.getSheetMarginsInCentimeters(workbook, sheet) returns array with top, left, bottom right margins [new] added IDExcel.getSheetMarginsInInches(workbook, sheet) returns array with top, left, bottom right margins [new] added IDExcel.setSheetMarginsInCentimeters(workbook, sheet, top, left, bottom, right) [new] added IDExcel.setSheetMarginsInInches(workbook, sheet, top, left, bottom, right) [chg] exchanged Aspose certificate with IT2BE certificate 4.6-083 07/30/2013 [fix] using IDFormattedDataSet.setCellBorder (top, bottom, left or right) now works as expected 4.6-082 06/27/2013 [fix] fixed an issue with the deprecated method IDFormattedDataSet.setCellBorder(row, column, borderLineType, color) 4.6-081 03/06/2013 [fix] IDExcel.readWorkBook(fileName) did not close the file properly 4.6-080 02/06/2013 [new] IDExcel.freezePanes to freeze panes (of an existing worksheet) [new] IDFormattedDataSet.freezePanes to freeze panes 4.6-078 11/05/2012 [fix] IDExcel.setWorkBookCellData is now deprecated instead of IDExcel.setValue (this is how it should have been done) [fix] IDFormattedDataSet column formatting is now also applied to the last filled column [fix] corrected some issues with parameter names for the IDExcel object [chg] IDFormattedDataSet column formatting is now also applied beyond the last filled column [chg] IDFormattedDataSet row formatting is now also applied beyond the last filled row 4.6-075 09/05/2012 [new] added IDFormattedDataSet.mergeCells( row, column, totalRows, totalColumns, [mergeConflict, [checkConflict]]) [new] added IDFormattedDataSet.setCellVerticalAlignment( row, column, alignment ) 4.6-074 08/14/2012 [chg] included latest 7.3.1 Aspose libraries 4.6-073 07/16/2012 [chg] included latest 7.2.2 Aspose libraries [fix] corrected issue with readWorkbook not returning a workbook but a null value instead 4.6-072 04/02/2012 [chg] signed using new certificate (expires May 13th 2015) 4.6-071 03/26/2012 [new] added overrideTextFieldLimit(...) to set the maximum length of a text field to a value higher than 50 (minimum = default = 50) [fix] IDExcel.getArray(...) now returns data of correct sheet when using a name [fix] IDExcel.getDataSet(...) now returns data of correct sheet when using a name 4.6-070 03/15/2012 [chg] included latest 7.1.2 Aspose libraries 4.6-069 03/08/2012 [chg] cleaned up code 4.6-068 02/21/2012 [chg] included latest 7.1.1 Aspose libraries 4.6-068 02/08/2012 [chg] libraries preserve their own sign [chg] included latest 7.1.0 Aspose libraries 4.6-067 01/03/2012 [fix] correctly removed 'old' sign from libraries now 4.6-066 01/02/2012 [chg] included latest 7.0.4 Aspose libraries 4.6-065 12/14/2011 [new] added method IDFormattedDataSet.setCellLocked(...) to (un-)lock the column cells [new] added method IDFormattedDataSet.setColumnLocked(...) to (un-)lock the cell 4.6-064 12/09/2011 [new] added method IDFormattedDataSet.setColumnShrinkToFit(...) to make text fit into column cells [new] added method IDFormattedDataSet.setColumnFormat(...) to override column cells 'general' format [new] added optional parameter 'calculateFormula' to IDExcel.getCellValue(...) to read calculated cell values [new] added optional parameter 'format' to IDFormattedDataSet.setCellValue(...) to override 'general' format [new] added formatting constants to IDFormattedDataSet [new] added IDFormattedDataSet.setCellValue(...) to override original value and type [chg] method IDFormattedDataSet.setCellFormat(...) now also takes constant values to use built in date or number format [chg] deprecated method IDExcel.getWorkBookCellData(...) now use IDExcel.getCellValue(...) [chg] deprecated method IDExcel.setWorkBookCellData(...) now use IDExcel.setCellValue(...) [chg] changed IDFormattedDataSet internal support of rows and columns for (future) enhancements [chg] when setting a date/time value default formatting is applied for it [chg] updated sample solution 4.5-063 11/22/2011 [chg] included latest Aspose libraries [fix] corrected an issue with reading and updating Document Open files 4.5-062 11/21/2011 [chg] included latest 7.0.3 Aspose libraries 4.5-061 11/09/2011 [fix] cell font formatting works as expected again 4.5-060 11/09/2011 [chg] included latest 7.0.2 Aspose libraries [chg] added new (additional) support libraries 4.5-059 11/02/2011 [chg] included latest 7.0.1 Aspose libraries 4.5-058 09/13/2011 [new] added getMaxColumnIndex() to FormattedDataSet [new] added new method (non visible) getJSDataSet(...) to 'repair' backward compatibility of DataSets with Servoy 4 [fix] added getMaxRowIndex() to FormattedDataSet again 4.5-057 09/05/2011 [new] added .xltm, .xlsb, xlsm and .ods file format [new] it is now possible to save a file as pdf (use .pdf extension) [chg] included latest 2.5 Aspose libraries [fix] updating a xlsm sheet now keeps macro's intact 4.3-055 08/22/2011 [chg] extension .xlsm is now respected, retained and treated as xlsx (Excel 2007) 4.3-054 08/13/2011 [chg] removed all deprecated methods [chg] prefixed all Plug-in objects with ID for JS Documentation in Servoy 6 [chg] made several changes for improved compatibiliby with Servoy 6 4.2-052 07/05/2011 [fix] DBF: all data types are converted to a string value for field with data type String value [chg] XML: added additional type cast to String value when data type casting fails [chg] included new changed solution with slightly enhanced samples for writing DBF and XML 4.2-051 06/24/2011 [fix] bypassed an issue in Servoy 5 that caused FormattedDataSet methods to throw an error 4.2-050 05/16/2011 [new] added optional border type to FormattedDataSet.setCellBorder(row,column,[type],border,color) to allow separate setting of each border [new] added FormattedDataSet.clear() to remove the content of a cell (not the formatting) 4.2-049 03/02/2011 [new] added FormattedDataSet.setFormat(custom format) 4.1-048 12/29/2010 [fix] implemented (forgotten) update method for updating sheets starting at a different position 4.1-046 06/11/2010 [chg] changed libraries to support (backward) compatibility between (beta) releases 4.1-044 05/05/2010 [chg] made several changes to fix security issue with latest Java release [fix] corrected issue with reading date object from excel sheet 4.1-040 01/29/2010 [new] introduced setSheetName(workbook, index/name, new name) [new] introduced addSheet(workbook, sheetIndex/sheetName) [new] introduced removeSheet(workbook, sheetIndex/sheetName) [new] introduced moveSheet(workbook, oldIndex, newIndex) [new] introduced cloneSheet(workbook, sheetIndex/sheetName) [new] getSheetNames now works with fileName (already available) as well as with a workbook (new) [chg] improved Framework to work with external (gui and command-line) installer [chg] when writing a datetime cell the format is now automatically set [fix] corrected issue with writing an array with unknown data types [fix] corrected issue with writing null cells in xlsx format [fix] corrected issue with text encoding format [fix] corrected issue with column width (last colum width was not set) [fix] corrected issue with sheetNames not used with setting data [fix] corrected issue with readWorkbook(...) delivering an empty workbook [fix] corrected issue with writeWorkbook(...) throwing an error 4.0-032 08/17/2009 [chg] deprecated flushClientsCache, use DatabaseManager instead 4.0-031 07/28/2009 [chg] removed signature from core-common.jar to avoid security issues 4.0-030 03/16/2009 [chg] it is not longer necessary to register a developer license 4.0-029 01/19/2009 [chg] made some adjustments to core activation wizard 4.0-027 12/05/2008 [fix] it is now possible to write a correct .xlsx file 4.0-027 12/05/2008 [fix] corrected license issue 4.0-026 10/30/2008 [chg] improved license feedback in log file [fix] corrected issue with formatted cell background not used correct [fix] corrected issue with writing xlxs file [fix] changed a couple of core functions 4.0-025 10/30/2008 [fix] corrected issue with client not finding libraries. 4.0-024 10/22/2008 [fix] preference panel 'Components' is now available again 4.0-023 10/21/2008 [new] output is now also possible in xlxs format [new] added createUserColor method to change a user color to be used for setting colors [bug] output to xlxs format could cause an issue [fix] corrected issue with Eclipse update manager 3.4-020 08/16/2008 [fix] corrected startup file for client loaded from application server 3.4-019 06/30/2008 [chg] redesigned for Servoy 4.0 3.3-018 04/22/2008 [chg] made some important improvements to the core to prepare for Servoy 4.0 3.3-016 02/25/2008 [new] added method 'getVersionLicensed' to find out what version is licensed [chg] reading a date formatted cell now returns Date Object instead of double [chg] reduced client download size for resources with overall savings up to 45% [fix] writing a new file with overwrite = false (default) now does not write 2 files anymore 3.3-015 12/19/2007 [chg] improved sample code to adopt some changes 3.3-014 09/19/2007 [new] added createFont() method to FormattedDataSet [fix] removed debugging output from dataset [chg] added more font samples to sample solution 3.3-013 [fix] solved an issue with reading and typecasting excel sheet cells 3.3-012 [fix] excel().writeArray(...) writes header again 3.3-011 [chg] went back to older version of apache-poi [chg] corrected FormattedDataSet.addRow(index, array) to accept an index beyond rowCount 3.3-010 [new] introduced ExcelColor class with 48 predefined color codes [chg] added latest version of apache-poi [bug] when you use custom colors only the first defined color will be used 3.3-009 [fix] corrected bug in 'setValue(..)' method of FormattedDataSet 3.3-008 [new] added 'addRow(..)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'removeRow(..)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'setRow(..)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'getColumnName(...)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'setValue(..)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'getValue(...)' method to FormattedDataSet [new] added 'setCellFormula(..)' method to FormattedDataSet [chg] added setCellFormula to sample solution [chg] the write method for an excel sheet does not accept a JSFile anymore (should be an absolutePath) 3.3-007 [new] added 'quote' property to write TXT files [new] added FormattedDataSet to write Excel files [chg] added FormattedDataSet sample to sample solution [fix] tooltips in classes are available again 3.1-007 [chg] improved feedback about missing data libraries [chg] it is now possible to create a really empty row [''] 3.1-006 [new] case 0000099: added setSheetName(String sheetname) to add a sheetName to a sheet [new] added getVersion() and getLicense() methods to retrieve component information [chg] the Plug-in is now lazy loading (again) [chg] updated sample solution to show writeArray intstead of write method for writing an Array 3.0-004 [new] case 0000023: added new WorkBook write/read options to Excel class to update an existing sheet without losing formatting, functions etc. 3.0-003 [chg] added the plug-in to the new Update manager [fix] fixed issue with using sheets [fix] fixed issue that did not return the correct column count after reading an xml [fix] fixed issue where empty values were not returned after reading an xml [fix] modified latest excel libraries so that they now also work with Servoy 2.x.x [new] added writeHeader property to CSV class to enable or disable writing of the header 3.0 [new] added option to update an existing excel sheet 2.0.1 [fix] corrected a bug that prevented the plug-in from registering a second time [enh] dialog feedback when license data is wrong [fix] fixed issue with update checker on windows platform 2.0 [new] added QuickBooks contact import and export [new] added functions to filter a DataSet [new] added encoding to read .csv and .txt files [enh] added new sample code to sample solution 1.2 [opt] optimized some of the code [bug] fixed a bug where the excel import stopped importing when a cell was empty [fix] corrected sample code 1.1 [new] added TXT (tab delimited) file support. [enh] added separator property to csv file support. [new] added sample solution [enh] improved sample code in plug-in 1.0 [new] initial release