Gantt Bean


Gantt charts allow to display the chronology of tasks and to plan the capacity of resources .
Due to their graphical visualization, interrelations and deviations become obvious at a glance.

Working with the Gantt Bean is made as simple as possible within Servoy.
On the other hand this does not mean that you are limited at all:

  • Work with FoundSets to autoSave all your changes
  • Work with DataSets when your data is more static or when you want more control
  • Capture all events before they occur to prevent changes
  • Create, Update and Delete tasks from the Bean
  • Display tasks (and links) in hierarchical mode
  • Display tasks (and links) in group mode
  • Group tasks with or without (collapsable) summury row

Our Gantt Bean is based on the Varchart JGantt libraries by NETRONIC Software GmbH .
NETRONIC has put more than 3 decades of work into their Gantt libraries.


  • Your client asks for advanced Project management tools.
  • Your client needs Resource management.

In short: every developer that needs to display and/or manage tasks and/or resources will benefit.


Smart client Headless client Web client Mobile client NG client
8.0+ 1.6+
7.0+ 1.6+ n/a
6.1+ 1.6+ n/a n/a


We published our API Specifications for the Gantt Bean as a future and current reference.

After downloading the Gantt Bean using our Components Manager a sample solution {servoy_root}/solutions/it2be-examples/it2be-gantt.servoy is installed.
You can import the sample solution into Servoy Developer and you will have some (basic) code examples of how to use the Gantt Bean.


What license(s) do I need to deploy the Gantt Bean?

When you want to work with our Gantt Bean you need the following licenses:

A Site license for our Gantt Bean (wrapper).
– With a Site license you are allowed to develop and deploy the Bean with an unlimited number of developers and to an unlimited number of clients.

A developer license for your own development, this license allows you to develop with the JGantt bean.

Runtime license for your clients, this license allows you to deploy the JGantt bean to your clients.

The JGantt libraries come with three modules, depending on what you want to do you can make the choice for:

  • The Basic module for viewing (supported by the Gantt Bean).
  • The Data Editing module when you want to edit data (supported by the Gantt Bean).
  • The Histogram module to show a histogram.

You can buy a Gantt Bean license using the tab ‘Buy Now’ .

You can find more information about JGantt, pricing and how to obtain a (trial) license for the JGantt libraries here.

I work with Oracle and your sample solution does not work.

Our sample solution is based on lowercase names for columns.
The Oracle driver makes use of uppercase names for columns at the moment of writing.

Solution: change all column names in the source from lowercase to uppercase and the sample solution will work.

Hans Nieuwenhuis (Betagraphics) created below instructions to make the ‘Control Center’ sample work:

Search and replace in methods
“task_name” to “TASK_NAME”
“name” to “NAME”
“start_date” to “START_DATE”
“end_date” to “END_DATE”
“hierarchy_code” to “HIERARCHY_CODE”
“progress” to “PROGRESS”
“task_id” to “TASK_ID”
“group_id” to “GROUP_ID”
“workload” to “WORKLOAD”
“link_id” to “LINK_ID”
“predecessor_id” to “PREDECESSOR_ID”
“successor_id” to “SUCCESSOR_ID”
“link_type” to “LINK_TYPE”
“working_hours_id” to “WORKING_HOURS_ID”
“information” to “INFORMATION”
“count” to “COUNT”
“load” to “LOAD”
“duration” to “DURATION”
“resource” to “RESOURCE”
“start_not_earlier_date” to “START_NOT_EARLIER_DATE”

Rename table Columns
alter table it2be_task rename column “load” to “LOAD”;
alter table it2be_task rename column “resource” to “RESOURCE”;

alter table it2be_group rename column “count” to “COUNT”;
alter table it2be_group rename column “resource” to “RESOURCE”;





Team of developers & unlimited deployment

  • +35% p/y
    maintenance fee

Our Gantt Bean is based on the Varchart JGantt libraries by NETRONIC.
NETRONIC has put more than 3 decades of work into their Gantt libraries.

Without a valid (trial) license for the Varchart JGantt libraries the Gantt Bean will operate in trial mode or not at all.
Licenses for the Varchart JGantt libraries can be bought from NETRONIC Software GmbH .